May 24, 2011


FOOD. Last time in NYC we went to places like La Putanesca and Il Fornaio, on the advice of the concierge in the Holiday Inn in Little Italy. To Smith and Wollensky, because Scott's father used to take him there. To a very nice Chinese - The Cottage - because it happened to be in 16thSt close to the apartment where we were staying in Madison Square, and places like that.
For our special Christmas lunch with family and friends - on the 30th of December - Aimée booked a table for 15 at the Bryant Park Grill, with a nice view of the snowed Park, and the food was delicious - things like Pecan Coated Turkey with Pears and  Redberries - and the wine too and the ambience.
So after reading in La Dulci Vida, a Manhattanite’s blog, a full guide to Barcelona, I've braved with this recommendation for NY myself.
Well, Aimée and Bill do live in Manhattan, though Bill is from Pittsburg :-)
And La Dulci Vida's review in Barcelona's food is as good as you can get one. I am going to follow her tour in my next visit there!
La última vez en NY fuimos a comer a sitios como La Putanesca y Il Fornaio, aconsejados por el conserje del Holiday Inn en Little Italy. A Smith and Wollensy, porque el padre de Scott le llevaba allí de pequeño. A un chino muy agradable – The Cottage – porque resulta que estaba en la 16St cerca del apartamento donde estábamos en Madison Square, y sitios así.
Para la comida especial de Navidad con familia y amigos – el 30 de Diciembre – Aimée reservó una mesa para 15 en el Bryant Park Grill, con una vista bonita del parque nevado, y la comida estaba deliciosa – con cosas como “Pavo cubierto de Pecans, con Peras y Grosellas” – y el vino también y el ambiente.

Así que después de haber leído en La Dulci Vida, el blog de una Manhatanita, una guía completa de Barcelona, me he atrevido a hacer esta recomendación en NY yo mismo.
Bueno, Aimée y Bill viven en Manhattan, aunque Bill es de Pittsburg :-)
Y la crónica de sitios para comer en Barcelona es tan buena que la voy a seguir en mi próxima visita!


  1. You are so sweet! Thank you for the wonderful words about my blog :)

  2. Something about eating meat with fruits, Pet. Delightful combo I must say...YUM*

  3. Oh that sounds delightful- I love pears cooked with meat- that photo looks so COLD!

  4. Funny I grilled pork chops tonight with peaches!

  5. love it. magical picture and magical food.
    I grew up in Pittsburgh, not a bad place at all...and what a small world. ;)

  6. I love reading about foreign places and food!....give us all that you've got...we'll eat it up!

  7. this picture tells a nice story.

  8. love the photo, especially the flash of red among the falling snow, and the snow flakes falling and the cosy glow from the windows

  9. Debes de ser un gourmand como dicen los franceses, conoces bien restaurantes y te manejas estupendamente con los vinos ! viviendo en San Sebastián un placer no?Me alegro de que conocieras a Merce, seguramente lo encontrarás más que útil!!un saludo!

  10. Thank you very much for recommending my blog to such lovely bloggers. I like the idea of a person sharing the impressions of a restaurant. There really aren't that many good restaurants in this world. Beautiful photo!

  11. all the food sounds delicious, i love fruit mixed in with meat. so unexpected but pleasing.

  12. I'll have to do some research on all of these for my upcoming trip! What a lovely Holiday photo!
